
“I Rarely Have Seen Numbers This Bad in Recent Times” – Democrat Pollster Says Biden’s Poll Numbers Are Terrible and Getting Worse

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Note to Democrats.  If you are going to steal an election, steal it with a halfway decent candidate and it might go better. 

Joe Biden’s numbers are at all-time lows.  They’re just terrible.  But the bad news is they will likely get worse.

FOX News reports:

Former Clinton advisor and Democrat pollster Mark Penn joined ‘Americas Newsroom’ to discuss Biden’s continuing drop in polls as COVID-19, inflation, and crime is on the rise. Penn said Biden is facing a “double-barreled” problem.

MARK PENN: The president has the double-barreled problem of people are upset that the virus is continuing. But I think even more importantly, now that inflation has raged and therefore so few people think the economy is going in the right direction.