
Latest Actions by Durham Indicate a Broken Investigation by a Broken DOJ

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The latest from the Durham investigation which should have been completed ages ago is not good news.  According to reports, Durham’s team only this month found out about key evidence that should have been analyzed months ago.

As most Americans know, corrupt Obama officials during the 2016 Election used a false document (the Steele Dossier) as a basis for spying on the Trump campaign and Administration.  This dossier was a lie created by the Hillary gang and the DOJ and FBI used it anyways in a coup attempt to have President Trump removed from office.

After Years Harassing the President of the United States, Donald Trump, the Fake-News NY Times Finally Admits, the Steele Dossier Was a Lie that “Never Materialized or Has Been Proved False”

When Jeff Sessions was removed from office,