
REPORT: Justice Breyer Upset with Retirement Leak to Media as Early Front-Runner to Replace Him Emerges

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Earlier Wednesday NBC reported liberal Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer would be retiring after 27 years on the bench.

Justice Breyer however has not officially released a statement announcing his retirement.

According to multiple reporters, Breyer is upset with how his retirement leaked to the media.

Breyer is upset about the way this leaked out, sources close to SCOTUS tell me. Usually SCOTUS justices are allowed to announce their retirement on their own terms, as has occurred in the last three retirements. (see thread and timing, below)
This is very early in the yr./term https://t.co/s2JWoxuWDu

— Susan Crabtree (@susancrabtree) January 26, 2022

Fox News contributor Shannon Bream said Breyer was not planning on announcing his retirement today so the media leak upset him,