
Fauci Proposes Three Shot Series for Babies 6-Months-Old Up to Children 4-Years-Old (Video)

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Fauci wants to stick the babies three times with the experimental COVID shots.
Babies have next to ZERO chance of succombing to the coronavirus. Fauci wants them stuck 3 times anyway.

Fauci: Study on Covid vaccines for children 6 months to 4 years continues, but it looks like it will be a 3-shot regimen pic.twitter.com/jbEdezWjDQ

— Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) January 27, 2022

At what point does this man go to prison for his lies and mass murder on a historic scale?

The New York Post reported:

The White House said Wednesday that the COVID-19 vaccine regime for kids younger than 4 years old will likely be three doses when it’s approved — and vowed to make millions more hard-to-find Pfizer anti-viral pills available in coming months.