
An Estimated 2 Million Ballot Images from the 2020 Election Were Illegally Erased in Georgia – Why Is No One Held Accountable or Indicted?

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An estimated 2 million original ballot images from the 2020 Election were destroyed illegally in Georgia since the election.  This is illegal and yet no one has been arrested or held accountable.  

Back in November, 2021, VoterGA, an election integrity group based in Georgia, reported that 74 counties in Georgia couldn’t produce their original 2020 Election ballot images.  At the time we reported this President Trump asked why Georgia officials allowed this to happen since it’s clearly against the law?

President Trump Asks Why Georgia’s Leaders Allow and Do Nothing About News that 74 Counties in Georgia Are Missing Legally Required Images from 2020 Election

Here is Voter GA’s press release from that time.