Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers on Recalling Electors: “If Wisconsin Can Do It, Arizona Should Have Been FIRST”
Photos by Sean Campbell
Legislators in Arizona and Wisconsin are pushing to decertify their states’ fraudulent 2020 elections with promised resolutions to reclaim the Presidential electors.
The Gateway Pundit reported that the Wisconsin State Assembly voted to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for US President and Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes.
Arizona’s full forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election found evidence of elections law violations and hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes. All evidence was delivered to the Arizona Attorney General, and some legislators are ready to decertify Arizona.
In the meantime, Arizona awaits the results of Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s criminal investigation.
Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem told The Gateway Pundit that he is already working on a resolution to reclaim Arizona’s electors.