
Project Veritas: Undercover Video Reveals Disadvantaged People Taking Excessive Covid Vaccines For Tax-Funded Gift Card Incentive

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Project Veritas on Thursday evening released undercover video of disadvantaged people taking excessive Covid vaccines in exchange for a tax-funded gift card incentive.

Part one of their series on New York City-contracted medical provider, DocGo/Ambulanz published Monday evening of whistleblower recordings, show medical staff and supervisors admitting they made mistakes when administering Covid vaccines to children.

In part two of this series, employees of DocGoAmbulnz are seen on undercover video discussing how people are getting excessive Covid vaccines in exchange for $100 gift cards.

The employees were actually caught on video giving advice on how to circumvent the rules to get more gift cards.

One nurse told a potential patient: “Maybe just go and not say that you’ve been there before.