
Unvaccinated New Yorkers Arrested In American History Museum For Refusing To Show Vaccine Proof: ‘I’ve Lost Everything’ Over These ‘Unconstitutional,’ ‘Inhumane’ Mandates

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Patriots in deep-blue New York City would rather go to the slammer than comply with illogical, discriminatory and oppressive COVID-19 mandates.

Freedom activists were harassed and arrested for daring to walk into the American History museum without providing proof of Covid vaccination.

As soon as they entered the museum, an employee called security and warned the unvaccinated group, which protested the oppressive mandate in the museum a week before.

Signs in the museum that notify visitors of “Health & Safety Requirements,” warn patrons to social distance, “wear facial coverings if they are 2 years old and up,” ” use hand sanitizer” and to “get your vaccination.”

“Vaccination required for visitors ages 5 and up,” the sign citing the museum’s regulations states.