
A Patriot Grandma Living in a RV is Being Wrongfully Prosecuted After Antifa Attacked Her

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Guest post by Tom Howie

With special thanks to Philip Anderson

The first time I met Kimberlee was in the back of a police paddy wagon. It was January 11th, 2021, and I had been arrested for attempting to attend the first legislative session in Olympia, WA since the Covid-19 lockdowns began. Many disillusioned Washingtonians had gathered at the state capital to protest our unconstitutional exclusion from the legislative assembly. I was the only one, however, who crossed their yellow tape (which rather fittingly said “crime scene—do not cross”). The time was 11:00 am and the first session was starting. Immediately, I was swarmed by about eight State Troopers. They grabbed me forcefully,