
37-Year-Old Man Suffers Severe Brain Rupture and Cardiac Arrest After Receiving Booster Shot of Moderna Vaccine- Life Support to be Removed

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A 37-year-old is on life support following a reaction to a Moderna booster shot which caused brain rupture and two cardiac arrests.

Om Prakash Mohapatra, whose wife is expecting a baby in February, has been fighting for his life since January 15th due to a severe reaction from his booster shot. The doctors are now suggesting to remove his life support.

According to a fundraiser page, Om was in perfect health till he received the booster shot. It started as nausea, deteriorated quickly, and turned into heart failure on the morning of Jan 15th.

“Paramedics tried their best to revive him and they could get his pulse after 20-25 mins of compression. But during this time period,