
Dr. Zelenko On ZStack: “A Gift From God In Response To Tyranny”

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Medical hero Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was an early advocate for the use of hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID. 
For his efforts, he was banned from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and vilified by the Media.
But Dr. Zelenko didn’t stop.
He kept researching and working — and found a way to help people with an over-the-counter solution.
Here is Dr. Zelenko talking about how and why he created ZStack (transcript is below):

Q: Can you talk to us a little bit about ZStack and about why you developed ZStack?
Z-Stack was a gift from God in response to tyranny. The ghoul Cuomo who killed 20,000 nursing home residents in the state of New York, blocked access for my patients to hydroxychloroquine.  » READ MORE