
EXCLUSIVE: Last Week’s Court Ruling in Pennsylvania Means 40% of 2020 Ballots Unconstitutional — Without These Ballots President Trump Crushed Biden by a 2 to 1 Ratio in the State!

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Attorney Wally Zimolong in Pennsylvania won a historic case last week in the Commonwealth Court.  The justices agreed that the state’s constitution does not provide for ‘no excuse’ mail-in balloting. 

Steve Bannon’s War Room invited attorney Wally Zimolong on to discuss the use of absentee ballots in the state of Pennsylvania.

He filed a suit in the state in which the court last week agreed that the law of Pennsylvania does not allow “no excuse” mail-in balloting. The court ruling said the attempt to allow such mail-in balloting was invalid from the start, meaning before the 2020 election.

Attorney Wally Zimolong won the case last week where the Appeals court in Pennsylvania ruled that ‘no excuse’ mail-in absentee ballots were not provided for in Pennsylvania’s constitution.