
JUST IN: Triple Vaxxed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tests Positive for COVID

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday morning.

The hard-left politician has Canada shut down due to the coronavirus. He had the double vaccination and a booster for the coronavirus.
This past weekend he hid in a bunker as the largest trucker convoy in history arrived in Ottawa to protest his tyrannical policies.

But he caught the virus anyway.

MORE – #Trudeau says he feels “fine and will continue to work remotely this week.” On January 4, he received his “booster” shot at an #Ottawa pharmacy. https://t.co/AzzWM00MGg

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 31, 2022

The post JUST IN: Triple Vaxxed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tests Positive for COVID appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.