
Wisconsin Spice Company Loses 40,000 Customers After its CEO Called All Republicans “Racist”

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A Wisconsin-based spice company lost 40,000 customers after its CEO called all Republicans racist.

Earlier this month, Penzeys Spices CEO Bill Penzey sent an email to his paying customers alerting them to a “Republicans are Racist” sale over Martin Luther King weekend.

“Remember how Republicans, going against a mountain of evidence to the contrary, once again lied and said BLM wasn’t a peaceful movement but instead terrorists inciting violence throughout the country and then raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person? What a bunch of racists,” Penzey wrote in the email.

Bill Penzey sent out another email admitting he lost tens of thousands of newsletter subscribers after he accused Republicans of being racist.