
Bad News for Soros-Backed Secretary of State Jena Griswold — Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit

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In November 2021, Colorado citizens filed a lawsuit against radical Secretary of State (SOS) Jena Griswold.

USEIP reported on the lawsuit — Hanks et al v. Griswold was filed in Denver District Court. The most damning facts of the case claim that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and her employees destroyed election records from the 2020 election. Griswold and other Colorado election officials are required by state law to preserve those election records for twenty-five months, and by federal law for twenty-two months. The relief sought in this case is a full, independent forensic audit of Colorado voting systems and the 2020 election in Colorado so citizens’ trust in their elections might be restored.

When asked whether the deleted elections records were significant or simply inconsequential extra files on election servers,