
Biden’s Nominee to be Judge of Central District of California Won’t Answer Whether Racial Discrimination is Wrong Under Questioning From Ted Cruz (VIDEO)

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Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday grilled Joe Biden’s far-left nominee to be judge of the Central District of California.

Cruz simply asked Kenly Kiya Kato if racial discrimination is wrong and she couldn’t answer the question.


Today I asked Kenly Kiya Kato, President Biden’s nominee to be judge of the Central District of California, if racial discrimination is wrong.

She was unable to answer that simple question. pic.twitter.com/Zgxe4MIjJU

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) February 1, 2022

Senator Cruz also asked Kenly Kiya Kato if she’s concerned that top law schools are brazenly discriminating against Asian-Americans.

She declined to comment.


Top law schools are explicitly and brazenly discriminating against Asian Americans.