
WATCH: Arizona State Rep. Walt Blackman’s Wife, Kristi FRAMES TGP’s Conradson With Racist Texts – Facebook Posts Quickly Deleted

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Arizona State Representative Walt Blackman and his wife, Kristie, have targeted The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson with vicious smears against Conradson’s character.

TGP reported that RINO Walt Blackman was against decertification of Arizona’s fraudulent 2020 election claiming, “There is nothing in the Constitution that says that we can decertify.”

AUDIO: RINO Arizona State Rep. Walt Blackman Bashes Rep. Finchem, Claims Decertification Is Impossible: “We Can’t Do That”

Blackman is either wrong or not telling the truth.

The U.S. Constitution grants plenary power to the State Legislature to oversee elections and choose or withdraw their state’s electors. The House and Senate can decertify with a joint resolution.

Just minutes after this article was published,