
MUST READ: An Italian Man’s Personal Warning on the Return of Totalitarianism in Italy

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Guest post by Gianmarco Landi and translated by Martina Giuntoli

This article is addressed to the Italian American patriots and to all those American and British families who, because of the Second World War, have a loved one buried under a white cross here in Italy.
The series of facts that plunged the World into the barbarity of the Second World War must never be forgotten,  as well as the noble sacrifice of the young Allied soldiers which was painfully necessary in order to defeat all totalitarian regimes including the one in Italy.

On January 31st, 2020, a state of emergency was declared in the Republic of Italy, and because of it, we’ve had two governments (Conte’s second mandate and Draghi’s first mandate) that have unleashed a flourish of illiberal and undemocratic rules,