President Trump Asks Why “Crazy Nancy” Pelosi and the “Massive Voter Fraud” Are Not Being Investigated by the “Highly Partisan Sleazebags” of the “Corrupt Unselect Committee”?
President Trump asks why the “Unselect Committee” is not looking into Nancy Pelosi who was in charge of security at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He claims she’s been deleting her files related to the event, and more.
There are criminals running the US government now and President Trump and the American people know it. But the criminals are in power after stealing the 2020 Election, the “Crime of the Century”. President Trump knocks this one out of the park.
Here is his statement:
Why isn’t the corrupt Unselect Committee of political hacks and highly partisan sleazebags in Washington investigating the massive voter fraud and irregularities that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, rather than spending all of its time investigating those who were protesting its result?