
Another Violent BLM Arsonist Who Started Fires in St. Paul High School During Riots Is Given Probation — While J-6 Protesters Rot in Prison Without Trial or Human Rights

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A second violent Black Lives Matter arsonist was given probation for lighting a St. Paul high school on fire during the 2020 George Floyd riots.

Mohamed Hussein Abdi torched Gordon Parks High School in St. Paul during the riots in the summer of 2020.
The arson was caught on camera.

The Department of Justice gave him 5 years probation.

Abdi’s accomplice, BLM criminal Jose Felan, fled to Mexico after the riots.

The case against Jose Felan (pictured with Abdi in the school) is still ongoing after he fled to Mexico and was then captured by US Marshalls with his accomplice Mena Yousif

A change of Plea Hearing is set for 2/24/22 pic.twitter.com/ioJ0BSrSgs

— AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) February 4,