
GOP Candidate Pastor Mark Burns Makes Headlines After Calling President Trump: “The Blackest President We Have Ever Had in This Nation” (VIDEO)

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Pastor John Mark Burns is an American evangelical minister, televangelist, Republican, and political candidate running in 2022 to represent South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District, and a strong Trump supporter.

In his recent interview with  political influencers Diamond and Silk on Lindell TV, Pastor Burns proclaimed that President Trump is “the Blackest president we have ever had in this nation.”

MAGA pastor/GOP congressional candidate Mark Burns declares that “Trump is, without question, the blackest president that we have ever had in this nation.” pic.twitter.com/kiT9LupFHf

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 3, 2022

Pastor Burns was labeled by Time Magazine as Trump’s top pastor. “When I see him,