
More on Today’s Bogus Job Numbers from the BLS – “There’s Never Been a January Seasonal Adjustment of This Magnitude”

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Today’s job numbers are as shocking as Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 Election – meaning they’re garbage.  Here’s more on the unrealistic and dishonest reporting coming from the BLS.

We reported earlier on how today’s job numbers coming out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) made no sense:

SHADES OF OBAMA – January Job Numbers Doubled the Highest Estimate of 78 Experts – And You’re Supposed to Believe This is Real

Now we have more on these over-the-top numbers.  Zerohedge reports:

For those who only look at headlines, today’s payrolls report was a veritable shock: coming in at 467K, it was almost 4x the consensus median expectation of 125K,