
J-6 Prisoner Jake Lang Speaks Out from Jail Cell on Day 6 of Hunger Strike – Has Lost 15 Pounds in 6 Days — DC Elites, RINOs and Media Ignore His Plight

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Political prisoner Jake Lang is serving time in Washington DC for his actions on Jan. 6. He has been imprisoned with no rights for over a year now. Islamic terrorists who murdered Americans have more rights than Jake Lang. The DC elites and corrupt fake news media agree with this.

Jake Lang was trampled when Capitol Police pushed Trump supporters down the stairs outside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Jake was buried under several people when the Capitol police started pushing protesters down the stairs. He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was killed by police when they continued to push Trump protesters on top of them. Jake saw Rosanne die. He saw it in her eyes.