
‘Dirty Rooms, Bad Food, No Internet’ – Olympic Athletes Complain About Poor Living Condition in Quarantine Facility

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Photo: Annice Lyn/Getty Images

Olympic athletes who tested positive with COVID-19 and were forced to isolate at Beijing Winter Olympics were complaining over the poor living conditions in quarantine facilities set up by Chinese officials.

Team officials from Germany, Belgium, and Russia said their athletes were facing nightmarish situations, like poor to no internet connection, bad food, no training equipment, and dirty rooms, NPR reported.

“My stomach hurts, I’m very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day. I’m very tired, said Vasnetsova on her social media.

It was the food that she had a problem with not the symptoms from the virus and it’s making her feel weak to compete.