
Orbán: “There is a Man Who Would be Able to Make Peace, but the Soros Empire is Attacking Donald Trump with All its Might”

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Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: “It is in Hungary’s interest to have a pro-peace leader at the head of the United States, but the Soros empire is attacking Donald Trump with all its might.”


“There is a man in the West who would be able to end this war and make peace. That man is Donald Trump,”, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his weekly interview on Kossuth Radio Friday. “Hungary would be interested in seeing an advocate of peace at the helm in the United States.”

Orbán called it “worrying” that “legal proceedings have been initiated against the former President of the United States in America, President Donald Trump, because if there is one person in the Western World today who can stop this war and make peace,