
Here is former Tucker Carlson Producer Alexander McCaskill Who Was Forced Out by the Women in Charge of FOX After He Labeled Biden a “Wannabe Dictator” on Chyron

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Here is Alexander McCaskill, the veteran FOX News producer who was forced out by the women in charge at FOX after he labeled Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator” after Democrats indicted and arraigned President Trump, the opposition party leader, for allegedly taking classified documents as president to his home.

Joe Biden has been stealing classified documents since 1974 and has several unsecured stash houses on the east coast where he holds the documents.

Alexander McCaskill, the former Fox producer who parted ways with the network for airing the “wannabe dictator” chyron, posted this photo of him leaving Fox offices. pic.twitter.com/epWyrHFULF

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 16, 2023

The lemming media for the “wannabe dictator” cheered the news – as did their lemming audience.