
‘The President with No Brain Thinks We’re Building an Ocean Train” – Greg Gutfeld Burns Joe Biden Alive for Three Minutes Straight in “Hilarious” Monologue (VIDEO)

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Credit: Fox News

Joe Biden has had even worse month than usual when it comes to showcasing his “mental acuity.” One can also say he is creepier than ever as well.

Greg Gutfeld on Friday night gave us all brutal reminder why in what Redstate.com describes as a “hilarious” monologue. Gutfeld brutally mocks Biden for over three minutes straight.

Subjects worthy of Gutfeld’s ridicule include Biden creeping on Eva Longoria, talking about building non-existent ocean trains, letting trans pervs on the White House lawn and his family’s corruption.

WATCH (Tune to the 6:30 mark)

Relevant transcript:

The president with no brain thinks we’re building an ocean train.