
FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

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Dr. Peter Hotez is making headlines this week for refusing to debate author and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge Hotez has lashed out at Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan who has invited RFK Jr. on his show several times.

Hotez is running from accountability.

On Sunday night Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”

The Gateway Pundit first reported on Dr. Hotez in late December 2021.  In our report by Dr. Lawrence Sellin, we noted that Dr. Hotez was the recipient of a grant from Dr. Fauci for $1 million a year.