
NPR “Honors” Fathers By Celebrating Pregnant Dad Story

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Kayden Coleman/ Image: @kaydenxofficial/Instagram

In addition to a military father and a refugee father, NPR shared the story of 37-year-old Kayden Coleman to celebrate fathers on Father’s Day.

Coleman became pregnant after temporarily stopping hormones to prepare for a surgery.

NPR shares Coleman’s experience:

“I experienced a lot of pushback and discrimination within the medical system based on preconceived ideas of what a pregnant person is supposed to look like,” he says.

He thought that things would have changed by the time he had his second child, but “I still had to deal with people telling me that I didn’t belong in certain spaces.”

“I had to convince a lot of people that I was pregnant and that I wasn’t just a strange man trying to infiltrate the OB-GYN’s office,” he says.