
AG Garland Deflects When Asked if Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal and Trump’s Indictment Reflect a “Different Standard of Justice Depending on Political Leanings” (VIDEO)

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US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday was asked about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal with federal prosecutors.

Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in a sweetheart deal given by his corrupt father’s Justice Department after a five year investigation (mop up operation).

Hunter Biden will likely get probation for not paying his taxes – only peasants go to prison for not paying taxes.

As far as the gun charge – A FELONY – Hunter Biden won’t even be pleading to that crime.

Prosecutors went easy on Hunter and handled the gun charge as a “diversion case.”

No serious person believes it took 5 years of investigating Hunter to only charge him with two misdemeanors.