
Convalescing Pope Francis Slips Right Back Into Old Habits: Meets With Socialists, Climate Alarmists – Globalist Pontiff Pushing Document in Favor of LGBTQ+ Acceptance by the Church

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After a prolonged stay in the hospital after abdominal surgery to repair a hernia and remove painful scarring from previous surgeries, Pope Francis got right back into his groove.

His doctors insisted he cut back on activities, so the catholic leader cancelled his traditional Wednesday morning audience with pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter’s Square; because – of course – the globalist Pope has to save his strength for the powerful people of this globalist world.

Socialists and climate alarmists paraded with the recovering pontiff. He received Brazil’s president Lula, and – more controversially – Cuba’s president, Miguel Diaz-Canel.

ABC News reported:

“The Holy See’s brief statement of the private meeting with President Miguel Diaz-Canel gave no details of what the pontiff and the Cuban leader discussed.