
Report Reveals the “Sensitive” U.S. Intelligence on the Chinese Spy Balloon that Joe Biden Casually Blurted Out to Democrat Donors During a Campaign Fundraiser (VIDEO)

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Cristina Laila previously reported that Joe Biden exhibited a rare moment of clarity when he called Chinese leader Xi Jinping a dictator while giving a speech at a campaign fundraiser in California. The only problem is during that same speech, the Idiot-in-Chief spilled a few national security secrets.

Breitbart reported that Biden blurted out to attendees what the U.S. intelligence agencies had learned about the Chinese spy balloon incident earlier this year. This reportedly surprised U.S. government officials according to the New York Times which called the information “sensitive.”

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there,” Biden boasted to approximately 130 Democrat at the fundraising event.