
The Proud Boys Were Finally Released From Solitary Confinment Cell For ONE REASON: ‘Thank You All’…’The Work The American People Do Does Work’

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J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl, one of the four leaders of the Proud Boys who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy, called The Gateway Pundit to share good news and thank all of our readers for helping him and his co-defendants finally get released from solitary confinement.

“The American people putting pressure on the jail and made them finally give in and do the right thing,” Rehl told TGP. “The jail was getting persistent phone calls and emails from people.”

“They were getting tired of dealing with it. We would like to thank you all, every single one of you who wrote letters and emails and made phone calls to help us. You have no idea the difference you have made in our lives.”

At the Alexandria jail,