
EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Accuse Trump Train of Violating Ku Klux Klan Act — Defendants Push Back Against Mainstream Media Lies

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Biden Bus TexasThe Biden Bus rolling through Texas in late 2020

On October 28, 2020, Donald Trump Jr. responded to reports that the Biden-Harris Campaign was sponsoring a “Soul of the Nation” Bus Tour in the Lone Star State — he asked Texans to give them “a nice Trump Train welcome.”

“Get out there. Have some fun. Enjoy it,” said the president’s son.

Two days later, a grassroots community of Trump Supporters answered his call. They headed out in their trucks with flags flying high — eager to meet the Biden Bus as it made its way from San Antonio to Austin— excited to provide a playful escort on I-35.

Thirty-two months after that fateful day, the fight for the soul of the nation continues,