
Obama Held Secret Meetings With AOC and Other Progressive Democrats

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An exclusive report from Politico has uncovered former President Barrack Obama has been holding secretive meetings with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and several other Democrats.

According to the report Obama has held “informal, but lengthy private meetings with groups of next-generation House Democrats.”

The report revealed Obama met with several Democrat lawmakers such as Maxwell Frost of Florida, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Haley Stevens of Michigan and Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey.

The meetings took place at Obama’s Washington D.C .office and ,although specifics of his discussions with the lawmakers were not disclosed , it was reported Obama was using the time to “counsel” the lawmakers.

Obama privately met with AOC and other Democrats during a series of reported intimate chats with House Democrats https://t.co/Ze7gZIFxx6

— Insider Politics (@insiderpolitics) June 22,