
Prosecutors Say Mom Encouraged 14-year old to Kill Man at Chicago Restaurant

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Image: Chicago Police

On Thursday, prosecutors accused a Chicago mom of encouraging her 14-year-old son to shoot two people during an altercation at an area restaurant leaving one man dead.

Both the mother and her son are charged with first-degree murder.

According to prosecutors, 35-year-old mother Carlishia Hood, 35, entered the restaurant and got into an argument with the victim, Jeremy Brown, 32, while waiting in line for her food. Brown’s girlfriend allegedly encouraging him during the altercation and laughed at the situation.

Hood texted her son to join her in the restaurant and the argument tuned physical.  Brown allegedly punched the boy, and the 14-year-old took out a gun and shot Brown in the back.

Brown attempted to flee the situation but the 14-year-old continued firing while his mother allegedly encouraged him to keep shooting Brown and kill him.