
WITNESS SHOCKS DC COURT: ‘I Witnessed the Murder of Rosanne Boyland’

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With Reporting by Mel Hawley

A January 6th trial in DC recessed for the next three weeks after shocking testimony by defense witness Tommy Tatum and Defendant Brian Mock nearly derailed proceedings — leaving members of the gallery stunned.

“I witnessed the murder of Rosanne Boyland by Officer Lila Morris” Tatum repeatedly testified according to courtroom observer Mel Hawley.

Most importantly, Tatum said, more than once, while testifying inChief Justice Boasberg’s DC District courtroom, “I witnessed the murder of Rosanne Boyland by Officer Lila Morris.”

— Mel Hawley (@SovSoulMel) June 22, 2023

Chief District Judge James Boasberg expressed discontent with Tatum’s repeated statements — reportedly putting his hands in the air and saying,