
Shoplifter Blowtorches Security Measure in Packed Store, Is Openly Stealing Within Seconds

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A shoplifter is seen breaching a Walgreens' security measure with a blowtorch in a tweet from June 22.

Welcome Walgreens shoplifters.

You’ll see we have new anti-theft devices in order to make the shopping experience pleasant for everyone.

However, if you’re in a hurry, feel free to bring a blowtorch to cut through those security protections.

While you do, one of our associates will be happy to record your shopping experience on their cellphone. Except they know and you know nothing is going to happen to you.

So help yourself. And thanks for shoplifting at Walgreens.

Bold move though. Gotta be thankful they are even using a reusable bag to offset the carbon from burning the protective barrier.

— Sean M. Boisselle (@seanboisselle) June 22, 2023

Twitter user Sean Boisselle responded in a tweet: “Gotta be thankful they are even using a reusable bag to offset the carbon from burning the protective barrier.”
