
Macron’s Priorities: Wants to Tax the World – Crack Down on Hefty Fines For Drug Use – Delay Retirements and Push for Assisted Suicide, But Plenty of Money to Fund Ukraine

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Welcome to Macron’s world. But hold on to your wallet, because the Globalist poster boy has a plan for your money. It doesn’t matter if you are not French, because he now has plans for all the planet.

After autocratically upending the French pension system – without a vote in the Parliament – and igniting the largest citizen protests since May 1968, you would think that nanopresident Macron would pause and take a moment.

But no, he immediately followed up with the idea to use the same maneuver to ‘legalize’ Euthanasia and assisted suicide, also without a parliamentary vote.

Read about it in the link below:

‘End of Life Model’: Macron Now Wants to Legalize Euthanasia in France
