
Shocking: Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows” (Video)

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American Library Association Director Deborah Caldwell-Stone

Actor Kirk Cameron is spearheading “See You at the Library” events across the nation on August 5th to provide wholesome events at libraries for children.

Brave Books shares, “Kirk Cameron, alongside BRAVE Books, has been visiting libraries and holding story hours across the country to teach kids about faith, hope, and love. On August 5, 2023, we are calling on all families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing, and read BRAVE Books and other books of virtue. Imagine thousands of local public libraries filled by you, your friends, your pastors, your teachers and your local representatives on this date.”

But the leftists running the American Library Association (ALA),