
UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike if Demands Not Met By Friday, Says There Would Be ‘Devastating Disruptions to Supply Chain’

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The Teamsters working for UPS have threatened a nationwide strike if their demands are not met by Friday.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters walked away from the bargaining table on Wednesday and “officially demanded UPS exchange its last, best, and final offer no later than June 30,” according to a press release from the group.

“The Teamsters gave UPS a one-week notice on Tuesday to act responsibly and exchange a stronger economic proposal for more than 340,000 full- and part-time workers,” the press release continued. “UPS executives couldn’t make it one more day without insulting and ignoring union leaders and rank-and-filers as negotiations resumed on Wednesday.”

The Teamsters said that they had “reached consensus on 55 non-economic issues with the company on June 19,” but that “UPS has continued to seek a cost-neutral contract during economic negotiations.”

“The world’s largest delivery company that raked in more than $100 billion in revenue last year has made it clear to its union workforce that it has no desire to reward or respectfully compensate UPS Teamsters for their labor and sacrifice,” the Teamsters said.