
Valentine: How to Out-Compute the Left – Republicans Cannot ‘Out-Fraud’ the Left and Cannot “Out Ballot-Havest” the Left

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Republished with permission from author Jay Valentine. This article first appeared at The American Thinker.

In 2024 Republicans cannot “out-fraud” the left, cannot “out-ballot-harvest” them, cannot “out-lawfare” them, cannot “out-media” them, cannot “out–contribution mule” them, cannot “out–Justice Department” them…but sure as hell can out-compute them — and that may do it.

The left owns the election apparatus — voting equipment, ballot-manufacturing, vagrant habitats, election commissions, media intimidation of judges not to look at election fraud and driving out any lawyer who raises a valid case.

Electioneering, by both sides, currently runs 1970s technology.

Leftists make good use of obsolete relational tech; Republicans, not so much.

In 2024,