
Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt Proposes Making July ‘American Pride Month’

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Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt of Texas has proposed making July ‘American Pride’ month.

The time has come for an idea like this.

Many Americans have begun to wonder why gay pride gets a whole month while American veterans get a single day.

The Blaze reports:

Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt proposes celebrating ‘American Pride Month’ in July

While proponents of the LGBT movement spend each June celebrating their radical agenda, freshman Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt of Texas is proposing that July mark “American Pride Month.”

The text of Hunt’s resolution states that “the purpose of American Pride Month is to celebrate, memorialize, and increase awareness of the monumental achievements of the United States of America and the countless number of patriots throughout her history which have made this Nation the last best hope of earth.” It also states that “the purpose of American Pride Month is to bring American exceptionalism back into the spotlight and to teach our children what it means to be an American.”

The proposal says “the House of Representatives expresses support for the designation of ‘American Pride Month.”

The annual promotion of the LGBT agenda bombards Americans during so-called Pride Month each June.