
WATCH: Student Activist Humiliates Clueless CNN “Journalist” After Dropping Truth Bombs Regarding Affirmative Action – Embarrassed Host Abruptly Cuts Segment

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Credit: Abby Phillip Twitter

Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling striking down race-based college admissions is causing liberal brains to melt nationwide. This includes legacy media “journalists.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the Harvard and UNC race-based affirmative action programs are unconstitutional. Schools nationwide will no longer be able to discriminate against students on the basis of race.

Far-left CNN host Abby Phillip let her hurt feelings show Thursday afternoon during a segment with Kenny Xu, a member of the Students for Fair Admissions, the plaintiff in the successful Supreme Court case. She stopped the segment early after Xu dropped too many truth bombs regarding the downside of race-based college admissions and some inconvenient facts regarding Black SAT scores and higher education graduation rates.