
Tucker Carlson Takes Aim at Biden Assistant HHS Sec. Rachel Levine in Newest Twitter Episode (VIDEO)

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In his newest Twitter monologue, Tucker Carlson forcuses on Biden Assistant HHS Secretary Rachel Levine, who has risen to a high-ranking position in government and became a trans woman later in life.

Tucker points out that we are forced to accept this person’s delusions or accept the consequences.

He also notes that Levine’s personal journey was partially about obtaining power.

The Daily Caller has details:

Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson mocked Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health in President Joe Biden’s administration, in Friday’s episode of “Tucker on Twitter.”

Carlson called out Levine, who was born Richard “Rick” Levine, for shifting from being a husband and father of two to pushing transgender ideology by identifying as a woman and wearing feminine clothing while being well into adulthood.