
WATCH: Heroic Man Brings Receipts and Blows Up School Board’s Dangerous Transgender Bathroom Policy – Also Shreds Woke Society’s Coddling of Trans Criminals

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Credit: @ImMeme0

Peoria, Arizona – The Independent Journal Review (IJR) reported Saturday that a brave man took on an entire school board in Arizona completely destroying their sick transgender bathroom policy. He also showed how woke society contributes to crimes by trans individuals.

The IJR notes this incident occurred at the Peoria Unified School District board’s June 8 meeting. Weeks before the scheduled meeting, they voted to allow biological males to use girl’s bathrooms.

An Arizona man named Benjamin Larrabee, a project manager of the group Turning Point USA, stepped up to the podium and read the woke board members the riot act. Larrabee called them out on their lies regarding the new policy’s “safety” and dropped several examples of sick trans students harassing and assaulting innocent girls.