
ABC’s Jon Karl Stuns Democrat Rep, Asks About IRS Whistleblower Claims Merrick Garland Interfered in Hunter Biden Probe (VIDEO)

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ABC’s Jon Karl on Sunday actually kind of did his job and asked Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna about the IRS whistleblower report revealing Merrick Garland likely lied under oath about not interfering in the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Republicans in the House have released testimony of this IRS whistleblower suggesting he’s got evidence that…decisions are being made by the US Attorney in Delaware and not by the Attorney General is not true and ultimately it was the Attorney General – main Justice deciding this, are you concerned about what’s coming out of this case?” Jon Karl asked Ro Khanna on ABC’s “This Week.”

Ro Khanna distorted the facts.

Of course.

Ro Khanna falsely claimed US Attorney Weiss,