
AOC Says Conservative Supreme Court Justices Need a “Check on Their Power” Or Else We Will Start Seeing a “Dangerous Authoritarian Expansion of Power” (VIDEO)

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Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday launched an attack on conservative Supreme Court justices after a series of rulings didn’t go her way.

The Supreme Court crushed Biden’s student loan bailout, ended ‘affirmative action’ at colleges and ruled in favor of a Christian web designer who didn’t want to create LGBTQ sites.

These Supreme Court decisions come just one year after the high court struck down Roe v Wade.

AOC said the conservative Supreme Court Justices need a “check on their power” or we will start seeing a “dangerous authoritarian expansion of power.”

Ocasio-Cortez also said the conservative justices should be involuntarily hauled before Congress, punished, and possibly impeached.

“If Chief Justice Roberts will not come before Congress for an investigation voluntarily,