
Garland Favorito from VoterGA Tells Corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger to Either Get Rid of Voting Machines or Unseal All Ballots Counted in the State

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Garland Favorito at VoterGA told Corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger to unseal the ballots from 2020 or get rid of the voting machines in the state. 

VoterGA Tells Raffensperger: Unseal All Ballots or Unplug System

VoterGA announced today that it is calling on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to unplug the Dominion voting system found by expert witness, Dr. Alex Halderman, to have grossly inadequate security controls. VoterGA co-founder, Garland Favorito, released a detailed statement to explain the problem and solutions:

“The recently unsealed Halderman Security Analysis explains that the Dominion voting system was not designed,