
After 6 Days of Rioting and 700 Injured Cops, Patriots Take to the Streets in France: “Blue, White, Red: France Belongs to the French!”

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45000 police and security were deployed in France Sunday night as rioting seemed to abate in the sixth night. Local patriot militias also roamed the streets in Lyon and elsewhere. A 24-year-old fire fighter died. A right-wing TV host raised over €1 M for the officer involved in the shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M.

French nationalists on the streets of Lyon ready to defend their city. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/kOEDLiiuuW

— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) July 3, 2023

157 arrests were made Sunday night, down from 719 arrests Saturday night, 994 Friday night and 1311 Thursday night. 24-year-old firefighter Dorian Damelincourt died in Saint-Denis trying to fight a fire of several vehicles in an underground car park.